Coleridge Walk – Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Devonshire. He attended Christ’s Hospital School in London, where he met lifelong friend Charles Lamb. He studied at Cambridge where he amassed a large debt – such problems would plague him his entire life. He and his friend Robert Southey wanted to set up a utopian community – a pantisocracy. His marriage was unhappy.  William Wordsworth was also a friend who influenced Coleridge, who became a poet. Living near Wordsworth and his sister, Coleridge published The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In the early 1800s Coleridge lectured on literature and philosophy; by that time he was an opium addict. He published Kubla Khan and Christabel, two of his best known poems in 1816. In 1817, he published Biographia Literaria, which contained his finest literary criticism. He continued to publish poetry and prose, notably Sibylline Leaves (1817), Aids to Reflection (1825), and Church and State (1830). He died in London.


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