George Montague Edwards

George Montague Edwards, 1875-1975

Lived at: 34 Erskine Hill (Census 1911)

Profession: Author, Designer, Artist

Professional work:

  • Studied at Holloway School of Art and later in Paris, Berlin, Dresden and Vienna.
  • His furniture designs won a gold medal in a national competition at South Kensington Museum (now the V&A) .
  • At the turn of the century he was designing furniture in the Art Nouveau and Arts and Craft styles, his designs were exhibited at the 1900 Paris Exhibition with one winning a silver medal.
  • From 1912-14 he designed posters for London Transport.
  • Later he wrote books and edit journals on drawing, design and related fields.
  • He also exhibited as an artist, including at the Royal Academy.

George Montague Edwards
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