Associate Minister Harold Maben Springbett
Associate Minister Harold Maben Springbett
Associate Minister Harold Maben Springbett

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Harold Maben Springbett served as an associate minister for 13 years from 1947-1960, first under Rev Ballard (who appointed him) and subsequently Rev Andrews.

Photograph, HGSFC24
Associate Minister Harold Maben Springbett
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Photo of Rev Ballard
Rev Frank Hewitt Ballard served as the third minister of the Free Church from 1933-51, this was a particularly onerous time for the minister due to the outbreak of war and he regularly wrote to the 98 serving men and women of the church. The workload was so high during this period that he appointed two assisstant ministers to share the burden, Edgar Wright who lasted a year from 1946-47, and was followed by Harold Springbett who served the church as assisstant from 1947-60.
Also shown here is a poster for his induction which took place on March 30th 1933.

Edgar Wright served as an associate minister for one year from 1946-47 under Rev Ballard.